This is our worst kept secret..
In the next couple weeks we are opening our second café location and new roasting headquarters! Opening another café was not something we thought we had in the cards but when the opportunity to open in the beautiful Fenwick countryside presented itself, we couldn't pass it up.

Like our Welland location, our Fenwick shop will focus on community, quality coffee, and friendships. The biggest difference will be 2-fold: Firstly, aesthetically it is the opposite of Welland. It's bright, white, and features historical pieces from the original build that survived a fire 30+ years ago. Our goal is to feel like "Black Sheep" but show off another side of our personality. The second difference will be in events and education! Yes, Welland does this already albeit, differently. At our Fenwick spot we will be setting up a formalized education and tasting program in our roasting lab. We will be offering courses on pretty much everything coffee, tours of the roasting space, tasting experiences, and more. As for events: since we have much more outdoor space at the farm, we will be hosting many seasonal events, mini festivals, community shindigs, etc.
We can't wait to show off this space to you! We will be posting about our soft opening date in the next week or two!